You need to have complete control over how and where you promote, as well as what you say and the message you want to send. This is how you’ll communicate with your audience. Or else any attempt you make to persuade, educate, or urge your consumers to utilize your product will likely fail unless they appreciate what you say. They’ll either psychologically or physically unsubscribe from you, and you won’t be able to interact with them in any form.
Therefore, depending on the main purpose of the marketing strategy, customer messaging strategies can take many different forms, such as personal bonding, positioning statement, or unique selling proposition (USP). Your brand messaging plan should express who your company is, and every piece of content should accomplish just that.
Hence, every time you send a message, ask yourself these questions to establish a communication strategy that has a genuine impact. If you answer all questions correctly, you may be confident that you’re conveying the appropriate message to the right person at the right time using the right medium.
Who is your intended audience?
If your message isn’t sent to the correct audience, it’ll feel like a waste to whoever gets it. The majority of it is common sense. Don’t send a welcome greeting to your long-time users. If people are currently paying for and using feature A, don’t market it. Contacting your free users for feedback on your paid features is not a good idea. Customers from California should not be invited to your New York meetup.
With Alienics, this type of client targeting is straightforward. You can dive down into your user base to find specific groups of people to talk to. You’ll get fewer responses if you target a smaller group. Still, your message will resonate with more people, resulting in higher open, click, and reply rates, higher quality responses, and fewer negative comments.
What is the message’s business goal?
It’s easy to feel compelled to inform your users about every new feature, blog article, or offer. Don’t!
You may have a long list of questions you’d like to ask your users, such as how feature Y works or what features are lacking. However, there’s a thin line between a well-designed, useful messaging schedule and one that feels spammy.
What’s your Tone of Voice?
You must know what tone of voice should be utilized to communicate your brand’s message effectively. Your brand will vary its tone depending on who you’re speaking with, just like people do. Customers will be confused if you change your tone or do not match the rest of your brand.
Consider your tone to be a reflection of your company’s personality. It will also represent the values of your organization. Your tone may need to be adjusted depending on who your message is addressed to, but it will remain consistent for the most part. Customers will develop trust in you if you are consistent.
Is your brand conveying its story?
Every company has a backstory that explains how it came to be. It usually includes information such as how they got started, why they started manufacturing the products they do now, what this brand means to the employers, client testimonials, etc. All of these will elicit an emotional response from potential buyers. You should incorporate these into your messaging approach. Another approach to engage with your customers is through your brand story. Emotions are a great instrument for communicating.
If you’ve never put together a cohesive brand story, you’ll need one to communicate effectively with your customers. Customers’ emotions are crucial. Emotional connections can influence purchases and brand loyalty.
What distinguishes your company?
Consider the characteristics that set you apart and concentrate on them. If you’re having problems, try thinking about it from your customers’ point of view. Why should people choose your company above your competitors? What distinguishes you from the competition?
It might be your outstanding customer service, ethical business methods, or high-quality products—the list is unlimited, as each firm is unique. A communications approach will be ineffective if it lacks a unique selling point. Make your distinguishing characteristics a focal point of your brand.
The advantages of having a message strategy
You should recognize the value of a solid messaging strategy based on the aspects covered above. Without a consistent marketing plan, you risk alienating potential customers by leaving them perplexed about your brand’s purpose. In the worst-case scenario, you could be perceived as illogical. However, the impact of a well-thought-out plan will extend beyond what we’ve already discussed, empowering all elements of your company.
Your message strategy will direct you toward what to focus on and what tone of voice to employ when developing marketing materials, whether they’re emails, signs, discounts, or something else. You’ll know how to speak to your customers in a way that grabs their attention, whether you’re writing blog articles or designing a social media campaign.
A smart communications approach also aids customer service teamwork. You know they’ll understand when you can speak to them in style; it’s easier to educate them using consistent language.
Final Thoughts
It’s difficult to deliver customers well-timed, well-considered, targeted, high-impact messages that offer actual value. There are 101 ways to make a mistake. As a result, give this the attention it deserves. Begin by spending 20 minutes in a room with your team, or you can hire a smart bulk messaging service like Alienics.